Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ashley's Eve Pearl Makeover

Mom and I were totally enamored of a make-up artist, Eve Pearl, who has videos out showing her totally transforming normal women into glamorous, gorgeous Divas. [See OMG! I love this lady!, July 2, 2007] Of course, we want to be glamorous and gorgeous, too, so we bought the DVD at for $30- kind of a splurge for us, but what the heck- right?

Now, we may have splurged on the DVD, but you know we're not going to go out and buy a bunch of expensive makeup, right? Everything we found we bought at Walmart or on sale at Walgreens. (Because no normal woman on a budget- especially me- is going to spend $45 on a tiny thing of blush.)

Below are the results of my At Home Makeover using the techniques in the DVD.

Ashley Before:

Admittedly, I'm wearing some eye makeup- but this is how I would normally leave the house. After about an hour, a WHOLE LOT of makeup, and using Eve Pearl's makeup techniques, here's what I emerged as:

I tried my best to use here techniques for defining cheek bones and making my tiny eyes a little bigger. I love the after picture... HOWEVER, and that's a big old however, I really felt like I was wearing a TON of makeup, probably more than I would ever wear out of the house, especially for every day. And under normal light, I sort of felt that the darker makeup used to create a cheekbone looked like I had been rolling around in dirt.

The next day, though, I used basically the same techniques but toned way down and went to a party to see if it worked for something other than a head shot. The result was wonderful- I didn't feel like I was wearing too much makeup- but did feel like a hot, hot mama.

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